Bumpdate: 20 Weeks!

Happy New Year! I took a mini break from the blog while visiting friends & family in Indiana, but I’m back & have lots of great things coming this year on According to Blaire! I hope you all were able to take some time off and enjoy the Holidays, but now, it’s back to work!

I’m starting out 2017 with my second Bumpdate. I haven’t done one in a few weeks because really not a whole lot has changed. We had another ultrasound right before Christmas, and everything was perfect! I’ve been feeling great overall and am just in that awkward stage of what to wear!

It’s been awhile since I was last pregnant, and just like last time I’m fighting wearing actual maternity clothes like the plague. I know there’s some decent stuff out there, but I just hate maternity sizing. Nothing ever fits right, I have to get it altered because i’m 5’2″ and EVERYTHING is at least 4″ too long for me. UGH! I recently bought some stuff from ASOS & from Nordstrom Rack that I like (other than I need to get them shortened) but I would love to know where you all shopped when you were pregnant! What were your favorite stores, brands, items? Did you have a favorite pair of jeans? Did you live in leggings? PLEASE spam me with your favorites! I need help lol.

Anyways – here is my latest bump pic, at 20 weeks down.

How Far Along: 20 weeks

Baby’s Size: She is as long as a banana!

How I’ve Been Feeling: Overall, I really have felt great. I never got sick, I haven’t had any bad food aversions, I’m feeling all kinds of movement lately which is a great feeling! I have been super lucky with both of my pregnancies. Sometimes, I forget I’m even pregnant, but then my boobs get in the way and I quickly remember. I think I mostly feel great because I was on all kinds of hormones and fertility treatments for so long, and that entire time I felt like complete shit. Even though my hormones are changing now, I feel so much better than I did pre-pregnancy. I would say my biggest complaint right now is her movement from way down in my pelvic area, to up closer to pant line. She loves to hide out down as far as she can, but when she comes up to my pant line I feel so much pressure, it’s crazy! I don’t remember Blaire moving up and down like this. She’s a mover!

Cravings: I haven’t been craving anything specifically, but any kind of chocolate / carb-y treats always sound good! I love donuts and ice cream, but trying to keep them to a minimum.

Exercise: I typically take a TRX class once a week, but it’s getting more difficult to do anything other than squats and arm exercises. I may have to alter my moves or switch workouts for awhile. I’ve still been a little low on energy, so I’m thinking about bumping up my workouts to 2-3 times a week and seeing if that helps! What are your favorite exercises when pregnant?

Weight Gain: I’ve gained about 6-7 pounds so far, at about 109 lbs.

Diet: My diet hasn’t changed a ton. I usually eat what I want, but am aware of what I’m eating and try to make better decisions when I can. I’ve been caving on a lot of things I wouldn’t normally eat though, mostly because I’m trying to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy and not take it for granted.

Here are some of the things I recently ordered. I’m in desperate need of jeans, and a new maternity pillow!




  1. January 3, 2017 / 3:49 pm

    Looking fab!! congrats on the baby!

  2. January 3, 2017 / 4:37 pm

    wow girl you are looking great. I have started working out hard core this year so when my time comes to have a baby I can look good like you do.

    • January 4, 2017 / 8:19 pm

      haha well thank you!!! that means a lot! you already look amazing but i think working beforehand is really helpful for an easy pregnancy 🙂 xoxo

  3. January 3, 2017 / 4:58 pm

    You look amazing!! Love this bumpdate!

  4. January 3, 2017 / 5:59 pm

    You look so great! Love your workout outfit too, VS makes the best sports bras!

  5. January 4, 2017 / 10:38 am

    You look gorgeous! And how lucky are you that you haven’t felt sick – I spent the whole first trimester for both of mine feeling soo nauseated!

    • January 4, 2017 / 9:36 pm

      Ah I know I’m so lucky I haven’t gotten sick! Not sure how I dodged that bullet twice!

  6. January 4, 2017 / 10:45 am

    Girl, you look great!!! Love your workout outfit, too!!

    • January 5, 2017 / 8:06 pm

      Good for you babe! We are so lucky we dodged the sickness ??

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