The Perfect Dress for a Spring Baby Shower / & Final Bumpdate

Perfect Dress for a Baby Shower & my Final Bumpdate
Perfect Dress for a Spring Baby Shower Perfect Dress for a Spring Baby Shower MaternityStyle10-2 Perfect Dress for a Spring Baby Shower MaternityStyle8-2 Perfect Dress for a Spring Baby Shower Perfect Dress for a Spring Baby Shower Perfect Dress for a Spring Baby Shower Perfect Dress for a Spring Baby Shower Floral Dress // Cutout Wedges // Monogrammed Necklace // LV Neverfull

This dress from Pink Blush is maternity, and is so cute & vibrant. I didn’t actually wear it for my baby sprinkle, but if I would have remembered I had it in my closet, it would have been so perfect! Before I was pregnant I thought that Pink Blush was just maternity, but they actually have just as cute non-maternity clothes as well. This mint green dress was only $58, so pretty reasonable especially for a baby shower or wedding, and you can easily wear it again and again. If you aren’t preggo – I’ve linked some similar options for you in the scrolling picture widget right below this paragraph. I also really love these wedges from Nordstrom, they’re a bit pricey but the quality is great and this is my second year wearing them so I definitely feel like I’m getting my money’s worth.

My Last Bumpdate

It’s so crazy to type those words… last, bumpdate. I say I’m ready but I know I will miss this bump and this feeling when she’s here! My pre-op testing and c-section have all been scheduled, and Blaire is basically losing her sh!t every day marking off her calendar. My husband said he had a dream I would go into labor before my surgery, and while I feel like that sometimes – I remember I felt like that with Blaire and we had to drag that kid out 2 weeks after my due date! So, I’m not counting on it this time either 🙂

How Do I Feel?

I’ve been asked this a lot in these final days, and while this pregnancy has been so easy- I only recently started feeling ‘done’. My mother-in-law flew into town for my baby sprinkle and noticed right away that I can barely breathe! ha. Apparently I sigh every few minutes, but I’m literally so out of room that I have to force myself to take deep breathes every few minutes! Then Jason makes fun of me for anything I do physically – I start huffing and puffing. Great! Other than the shortness of breath, I’ve really had to stay on top of my heartburn with the anti-acids, and all of a sudden this week I got a ton of zits- boo! I want so badly to put stuff on them to get rid of them, but it’s almost over and I don’t want to risk using something that’s unhealthy for baby. The last huge change I’ve noticed is that even though I still have an appetite, I am at the point where I can’t eat much. My stomach will literally be growling for food, and I’m lucky to fit in a small snack.

How’s Baby?

I am headed to (I think) my last doctor’s appointment today, and honestly they’re pretty boring! Since I’m having a scheduled c-section (you can see Blaire’s birth story here to see why my doctor & I decided to opt for a c-section this time around) it’s not been necessary to disturb or check anything down/up there. As exciting as it is to find out if you’re dilated or effaced – it’s kind of just as exciting to be left alone down there. If you haven’t had a baby before, the last few appointments can be fairly invasive.. haha. Anyways – even though we know the exact timing she was conceived (I was monitored by fertility doctors) she was measuring about a week or two ahead for a long time. At my 32 week ultrasound, she measured around the 40th percentile in size, so we decided to keep things close to my original due date. However, my last appointment I went to I physically measured about 4 weeks behind, which scared me into thinking something was wrong. But my doctor said everything was perfect and normal, and baby just dropped even deeper in my pelvis throwing the measurements off from before. Phew! She is moving A TON and has been the last few weeks. Or, maybe I just feel it even more now since everything is so tight.

How is Blaire?

Well, considering Blaire has been begging us to get her a sister for the longest time (somehow she always seems to get what she wants…) she is going crazy waiting for baby. For the longest time, my belly wasn’t really that big, and we kept telling her it had to get REALLY big before her sister would be able to come out. Well, now that I am REALLY big she has been asking constantly. I had to go to Target and get a dry erase calendar, and number the days for her so she could cross them off each day when she gets home. This is the one we got! She knows how many school days, and how many total days until she becomes a big sister, and each day jumps for joy when she marks it off. It’s so cute! We also just picked out a gift that she could give her sister when she meets her in the hospital. All of it was really sweet until she said, well I have 4 of these, so I’ll give her one of mine (aww!) and I’ll keep this new one for myself! (Oh, … that’s what you meant!) Clearly we are going to have to work on this whole sharing thing!


(ahem, family & friends this one is for you!) If you want to be my hero and make me all kinds of happy while I’m stuck in the hospital for a few days after being operated on- you can bet these things will make me a happy camper:

cookie dough. Yup, you read it right. Raw, store bought, tollhouse mini chocolate chip cookie dough. It comes in a yellow package of about 2o cookies. And no, I won’t share them with you 🙂

fresh fruit. see a pattern here? yes, I love food, and right now, not being able to eat as much as I want is kind of stressing me out. brownie points if the fruit is dipped or covered in chocolate (no pun intended)

sleep. I haven’t slept well in weeks because of her positioning. Unlike my first pregnancy, this time baby is pressing on my vena cava, making me unable to lay on my back at all without feeling nauseous or faint. with tummy sleeping obviously out – I can’t wait to snooze on my back!

Last but not least – sneaking my dogs, Max & Lola into the hospital for a visit will give you an automatic win as favorite family or friend EVER 🙂 JK. Max would spaz out so badly and pee himself from excitement, but Lola… she’s so small and sweet I’m not sure anyone would ever know she was there…

After Birth / Blogging

I will definitely be sharing all the details with you when she arrives. I’ll try to be on instastories for a little more real time action. I won’t be taking any kind of maternity leave, but I will be tired so while I have hopes of posting lots after she’s here, realistically I know it won’t be as much as normal. I want to share more mommy stuff with you guys, as well as all the fashion and outfit ideas that you’re used to. If there’s anything you want to see, know, or have questions about- PLEASE just ask! I try to respond to my questions on instagram but I don’t always see them, so either leave me a blog comment, or send me an email ( if I somehow miss your question. Thanks for all your love, sweet comments and support – I seriously have some of the best readers and followers and I’m thankful for all of you!

Thanks to my girl Stephanie of SheSawStyle for killing it with these maternity pics! & for Pink Blush for gifting me with this insanely cute dress.



  1. May 11, 2017 / 10:04 am

    You’re so close, that’s so exciting!! And I love Pink Blush, they always have the cutest dresses!

  2. Nataly
    May 11, 2017 / 11:15 am

    You look so adorable in this dress! Love it!

  3. May 11, 2017 / 2:13 pm

    how dress is so beautiful on you and i love your bump!! so cute!

  4. Nicole of What Nicole Wore
    May 11, 2017 / 3:52 pm

    Ooh the mint green looks fabulous on you! Loved reading this bump date!

    • May 11, 2017 / 8:26 pm

      thanks Steph!! i know.. i’m excited but also so nervous! ah!

  5. May 12, 2017 / 9:45 am

    You look so great! Sending you best wishes for welcoming baby girl into the world so soon!

  6. May 13, 2017 / 7:16 pm

    I seriously think this might be my favorite “maternity outfit” you’ve had! I think you look killer in that vibrant color – seriously tan, too! I can’t wait to meet baby girl once she comes. And then we will get you lots of cookie dough and fruit 😉

  7. August 2, 2017 / 9:53 pm

    This is the best dress!!! I love all of the colors so much!

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