The DL on Designer & Luxury Bags

Red Dress // Jeffrey Campbell Wedges // Prada Bag // Ray Ban Sunglasses // Necklace // Mug

Ok guys, if you’re like me you have an obsession with handbags, and not just any handbag, designer handbags. Whether they just aren’t in the budget, or you don’t know where to buy them, I’ve found the perfect spot to purchase the right one for you, and within your budget.

I’ve worked with Trendlee twice now, and I’m completely sold on what they’re doing. The have thousands of preowned designer handbags that they sell at discounted rates. I’m so happy that I’ve had the chance to work with them because I’m telling you – both bags that I’ve gotten, Prada & Chanel, where in exceptional condition! I don’t know how these were even preowned, I would think nothing different I purchased them right out of Saks at full price.

Anyways – Trendlee is awesome because they have bags that recently came out as well as classic bags. They offer financing, and they usually have a promo going on where you can save extra cash. Trendlee authenticates every single bag, and they also accepts returns. I know it sounds too good to be true but it’s not. See for yourself! Trendlee is giving a 5% discount to my followers (ya, on top of the sale price!) when you use code ‘ACC2BLAIRE’ at checkout.

What do you think of Trendlee? Have you ever bought or sold a bag to them before? Thanks for coming by, have a great weekend! 🙂 xoxo


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